Nominate the next state champ
Nomination Process
CTC accepts nominations year-round. However, nominations received after December 1st will not be included in the following years’ list.
Step 1: Fill out and submit the nomination form (including a photograph of the nominated tree) to the Champion Tree Coordinator, Neal Bamesberger. For guidance on measuring a tree, click here.
Step 2: The Champion Tree Coordinator will verify the species and measurements of the nomination. If verification results in major changes, the nominee may be asked to resend the nomination with the corrected information.
Step 3: Once verified, if your tree's total points tops the current first place champ tree for a particular species you will receive Champion Tree Certificate. If the tree is not the largest, but makes second or third place, the Champion Tree List will reflect those changes and be kept on file.
Step 4: If the tree is a National Champion Candidate, your nomination will be forwarded to the National Champion Tree Program Coordinator for consideration.